Friday, February 22, 2008

Howl at the Moon

Well we are taking the weekend off. We have eight friends from home that came in yesterday. They are staying on St. John for a week or so. We will be joining them this evening and crashing on thier sofa. Tomorrow we are renting power boats to go to Jost. So, it will likely be a live iPhone posting weekend with "The People Your Parents Warned You About"


jeeperman said...

So is the begining of "friends and family you never new existed"? lol.

heinz said...

I am enjoying your blog and the daily updates. What has been the biggest adjustment thus far? Everything I read says you are operating on island time so be prepared (my wife is from Hawaii, so I think the two places are similar).

Anonymous said...

Who all came down? I know Rob, T, Mike & Weezie but who are the other 4? I need to know who I hate at this moment!! I am @ work and our weather is horrible today..freezing rain!! Blah

RD said...

Hey Cousin Jay,

I was wondering if you and Deb were going to be home during the month of...

