The good the bad and the details. We are moving to St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. We will try to keep a rambling record for anyone that ever dreamed of giving it all up and moving to the Islands to learn from or just laugh at.
Monday, June 29, 2009
WAPA Update
Another Boat

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Jost for July 4th

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A/C Update
I read online that a medium A/C unit uses 1 kilowatt an hour, so if we run it for 8 hours at night for the whole month, depending on the rate, it may cost us close to $100 a month to run the A/C. So we're going to have to be very cautious about how often we use it or just chalk it up to another one of the expenses of livin in da islands.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A/C WooHoo!!
Tonight will be the first time since we've moved on island that we'll have A/C while we're sleeping! WooHoo!! The first place we lived wasn't able to have A/C because it didn't have real windows, just screens and shutters. Although the owners have put in windows and A/C since we moved out, nice huh. Anyway, the airflow in the new place is OK in the living room / kitchen area but the bedroom is on the back of the house so not so good in there. Plus the back of the house is up against a very heavily wooded area so the "critter" noise at night is driving me crazy. Between the crickets, frogs, birds, and the occasional dog, I feel like having a Dr. Doolittle moment and sticking my head out the window and screaming "SHUT UP!" I know most people like the woodsy noise, but I'm a very light sleeper so it doesn't do much for me. So tonight the windows will be shut, the A/C will be on which will drown out the critter noise, and I plan on having it cold enough that I need a blanket !!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
VI Hopper
The ITS department decided to have a beach party! We're hanging out
on Lindburgh Bay with VI Hopper. They provide jet ski's, banana boats,
water trampolines. Not sure which one I'll do first!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday Beach Picture
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Jay
Today is Jays Birthday!! We thought we were buying a boat for his birthday present but that doesn't look like that's going to happen. But no worries, we will find the right boat.
So now we need to find something special to do to make up for not getting the boat. Jays boss is out of town through Sunday so no chance of getting a day off. Maybe one day next week we'll rent a boat for a day and get out on the water. That always cures eveything. :-)
Happy Birthday Jay! Love you!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Well....the boat deal or no deal??
Monday, June 15, 2009
Today is the day
On the way back from Red Hook this afternoon, Jay is going to stop at Independent Boat Yard to see when they will be able to haul the boat out for a bottom inspection and then set up some time for the boat to be cleaned and bottom painted, plus a few other odds and ends. The current owner said he could sail it over during the day and we could meet him at the boat yard in the afternoon. I think it would be better for Jay to take the day off and sail with the guy just so he could check everything out during the sail over. We'll just have to see what everyone's schedule looks like and see what can be worked out. But, first things first. Get through today's inspection and see where to go from there. Keep your fingers crossed! :-)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Boat Soon Come

On Monday, Jay and a surveyor will be going back over to go over everything again. If that goes well, then the current owner will sail it over to STT Tuesday or Wednesday to one of the boat yards (haven't decided yet which one) to have it hauled out so that the bottom can be inspected. If that goes well, then the boat is all ours. Jay doesn't expect to find anything he doesn't already know about, so lets hope he's right. Since it will out of the water already, we will keep it at the boat yard to have the bottom cleaned and painted. We may do a few other things as well. But the yard said they weren't busy yet, so it should be done in less than a week. So if all goes well we could be boating by the last weekend of the month. WooHoo!
As you can tell, I'm not excited about this at all. We've only been wanting a boat since we moved here almost a year and half ago! Since we're coming into the slow season, maybe Jay will have some time to start working on it right away. It's ready to sail as is, after a little cleaning that is, but we still would like to get a few of the items checked off the list before we really start using it.
Before you ask, it's not going to be a live aboard. Just for fun, weekend trips, etc. The way it's laid out it only sleeps four comfortably. There is a v-berth and two opposing settees in the salon. There is a quarter berth in the aft, but it's so small that the previous owner used it as storage, so that's probably what we will do also. Currently there are two sea berths above the settees in the salon that we are going to get rid of. We're going to move the seat backs further back to make the settees larger and more comfortable. Of course, this is one of the items on the list that doesn't have to be done right away.
So stay tuned for more pics and updates as we go through the process of bringing this Ericson 39 back to life!
Friday, June 12, 2009
We The People

Friday Beach Picture

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Listen up - On the Radio
Intresting Threads on the USVI Relocation Board
Top 10 list: It's hard living in the Vi Because
top 10 reasons I love living in the VI
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Road to Neltjeberg


Silvia and I decided to be adventurous today and find Neltjeberg. We had some people tell us that you need a hummer to get down there and others said it's not that bad and well worth it. So we decided to give it a try in Silvia's little Suzuki Aerio. Not a four wheeling type of car but what the heck.
First we took the wrong road down the hill and had to call a coworker for directions. She gave us some details on how to find the road that included looking for a sign that says "private property thief will be shot"...nice. There is also a car port with junk cars with tarps over them and a ratty house with flags. So were not getting a warn fuzzy feeling about finding this place. But we go for it anyway.
So we find the right road and start heading down. It's not that bad at first so we continue. Then there is a section that's paved so we thought this is going to be easy. Then the rough part starts. Rough road with huge rocks protruding, trenches, drop offs, you name it. We kept saying what in the heck have we got ourselves into. Then we'd hit another section of paved road so we thought we were in the clear. So this repeats several times but we finally make it to the beach...,whew!
It is a pretty beach but don't think I'll go through that again unless we have a big monster truck! All i know is I hope we can get back up the road when it's time to leave. If it rains we're screwed! I'll report back once we make it back up the hill....keep your fingers crossed!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday Beach Picture
Thursday, June 4, 2009
One Car Family Again AKA Island Car is Gone

PS the new car has been great. The only time we have had it back to the dealer was to pick up the tags.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hurricane Preparedness