The plan is to head over to Lattitude 18 tonight for the New Years Eve
celebration. The weather is still really crappy, windy, rainy, over
cast...which is not great for Lattitude 18, since it's basically
outside. So hopefully it clears up some by tonight or we may have to
go with plan B.
Today is our 11 year anniversary so we have a couple of things to
celebrate. :-)
Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!
The good the bad and the details. We are moving to St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. We will try to keep a rambling record for anyone that ever dreamed of giving it all up and moving to the Islands to learn from or just laugh at.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Years Eve
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Just Another Rainy Day in Paradise
Well Bill and Carol are in visiting. This should be a post about us
boating and snorkling, and drinking beer. Well the weather isn't
playing nice. So we are hanging out at The Honor Bar at Island Island
View Guest House were they are staying.
Friday, December 25, 2009
A Couple Christmas Carol's and some Pictures
Merry Christmas Friday beach pic
Merry Christmas!! Getting some lunch at Island Beachcomber before
heading over to the airport. Kinda overcast and muggy today but still
When I checked in for my flight there was a warning about the
Charlotte airport and possible delays due to bad weather on the east
coast. I hope it goes ok and I'm not too late. Looking forward to the
Christmas goodies waiting on me!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Winter Solstice
The one thing that winter solstice means to me, is that while I'm enjoying the sunshine, my friends and family back in the states are enjoying the snow! :-)
Holiday Break
So far I've had the pleasure of cleaning house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, and now cleaning windows. I love having all the windows to enjoy the beautiful view and light Caribbean breezes, but cleaning them sucks big time. Especially when you don't have access to a water hose. But buckets of water and sham wow did the job.
Tomorrow will hopefully be a little more fun. I need to finish up some Christmas shopping and pack for my weekend trip back to the states to visit family. Thankfully I'm just going to Charlotte so it's an easy
flight and no snow! :-)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Miracle on Main Street
Friday, December 18, 2009
Spotted Eagle Ray
Here are some shots I took with my new Canon D10 of a spotted eagle ray at Christmas Cove on Great St. James while I was snorkeling yesterday. It was sooo awesome watching it swim. It circled around several times which is unusal.
Here is a video I took thats on YouTube.
Here are the same pics after being adjusted in a photo editing software. What a difference! We used to have Photo Shop on the laptop that crashed but haven't installed one since getting the new laptop last year. I obviously need to make that a priority.
Friday Beach Picture
Yea! It's Friday! It's been a great week, lots of fun. Last day of work today, then we go on a two week break. WooHoo!
We went sailing yesterday with New Horizons. They did a great job. Drinks and food were flowing, friendly staff, decent snorkel gear and instruction for the newbies. We made two stops, Honeymoon on St. John and Christmas Cove on Great St. James. Christmas Cove was by far the better snorkel stop.
I took lots of pics with my new camera and shot some great video of a southern sting ray and a spotted eagle ray that I saw in Christmas Cove. I will posting a bunch of the pics in a litte bit.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Bowling Island Style
We had a great time bowling, sooo funny. I got high score for the day with a 130! lol
Here is our group shot
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
UVI Christmas
Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Eric Stone Live from Joe's/ They Say it's Your Birthday
So since the weather didn't cooperate with our original plans for Deb's birthday weekend we have made the best of it. Going out today on the boat in protected waters around St Thomas with some friends then heading over to Water Island to see Eric Stone play at Joe's Beach Bar from 4 to 7 with a pot luck dinner as well. So don't feel to bad for Deb she is still having a good birthday weekend.
Happy Birthday Deb
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Change of plans
The weekend on Jost for my birthday just did not work out due to winds
and high seas. But thats ok. We spent the afternoon at Honeymoon beach
and it was calm as can be. So the plan for tomorrow is Honeymoon
again. Eric Stone is playing at 4pm at Joes Beach Bar and they are
having their Sunday night pot luck. Take the Water Island ferry that
leaves from Tickles in Crown Bay and come on over.
Deb's B Day Weekend Plans All Mashed Up
So we are at the house trying to decide what plan B is.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday Beach Pic
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Miracle on Main Street
The St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce presents the annual Miracle on Main Street, a downtown celebration. On Friday, Dec. 18, there will be a lighted boat parade on the waterfront at 6:30 p.m., and a holiday mini-parade from Market Square to Emancipation Park, at 8:30 p.m. Santa will be at Emancipation Park!
Read the rest of the story.
Here is another article about Miracle on Main Street in the St. Thomas Source.
Several of our friends thought that the event was being held this Friday (11th) but todays article set the record straight. Last year we rode on a friends boat for the lighted boat parade. It was a lot of fun seeing all the activity on waterfront and hearing all the music. But, I think this year I want to actually walk downtown and see it in person. All the stores stay open late, vendors are set up with their goods, music, food, etc. Plus that night kicks off my holiday break at UVI. We're off from Dec 19th until Jan 3rd. :-)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Oasis of the Seas has arrived
Well, all the attention and the hype culminates today with the arrival of the Oasis of the Seas. It's docked and passengers soon come. They started rerouting traffic in the Sub Base area yesterday for a trial run. It was crazy. It's one way out of Crown Bay to handle all the taxis that will be coming through there. So to get into Crown Bay you have to take airport road to WAPA and come in the back way. I'm just going to avoid it all and stay in for lunch and go straight to Frenchtown after work. :-)
BTW - this pic courtesy of Dave. Thanks.
Here is a video on YouTube of the ship approaching St. Thomas.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Heidi's Honeymoon Grill
Enjoying a cheeseburger in paradise at Heidi's Honeymoon beach on
water island. Beautiful day! :-)
Time On The Water
So I got the Sunday off. Deb and I are hanging out on the boat.
Sitting at water island Deb just finshed scrubbing the waterline now
it's cold beer and sunshine.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Charlotte Amalie Overlook
Picked up some friends at the STJ ferry to take them to the airport.
But gave them the scenic view of STT along the way. Hit Hook Line
Sinker for lunch and then Island Beachcomer for a pre flight cocktail
and one last look at the beautiful Caribbean water. They hadn't spent
much time on STT, always stay on STJ. So it was fun showing them
around my little island.
Safe travels Gary and Brenda. See you next year! :-)
Friday, December 4, 2009
"Once" for Dr. Silvia
Our past experiences with live bands at the Caribbean Saloon have been fun, but we hate the fact that they start soooo late! They advertise a starting time of 10:00 pm but it's usually more like 11:30pm. The last time we were there, we really enjoyed the band but couldn't believe how late it was when they finally started. So, I did a blog post about it and someone from the band immediately responded to my post. I couldn't believe they had read my post and was surprised at the response. They said they were there on time ready to start, but it was the management of the club that held them up from starting. They said management likes to start late to get more people in the door and sell more drinks before the entertainment starts. That's just crazy. If you advertise a starting time, then patrons expect you to keep your word. Oh, well. I guess we're just old and can't stay out that late!! Well, at least Jay can't. :-)
But tonight, it doesn't matter what time the band starts because it's all about Silvia!! Congratulations girl, you deserve it!!!
Update - we had a great time! The band "Once" was awesome. Even though it was a little hard for my ususal taste in music, they were still very good. We all dressed up in scrubs to help make Silvia feel like a Dr. lol
Friday Beach Pic
This pic is from Soggy Dollar on Jost Van Dyke taken last weekend. :-)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Oasis of the Seas
Here's the article in St. Thomas Source.
things we've experienced while living here.
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!