Tonight is my last night in NYC. I got to see several sights while I was here. Wish Jay could have seen them with me. It's an early night tonight since I have to be in a cab at 4 am to JFK! There is a severe thunderstorm warning tonight so hopefully it's gone by 4am so that I'm not delayed!
The good the bad and the details. We are moving to St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. We will try to keep a rambling record for anyone that ever dreamed of giving it all up and moving to the Islands to learn from or just laugh at.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday Beach Picture
Another "borrowed" picture from a Virgin Islands Online poster. This
one is on St John.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Live from New York City

Well, I've been off island since last week and it doesn't look like Jay is keeping up with the blog posts so thought I'd do one from NYC. I've had a nice time so far (except for the whole lost luggage thing) and I've got three more days to go. The training class is going well and I already have lots of ideas on how to put it to use. Last night I met up with a friend from St. Thomas who just happened to be in NYC and we ate dinner on the rooftop of her friends apt in the upper east
side. What a view!! I have several things I want to do while I'm here so hopefully the weather cooperates so that I get a chace to do everything. For those of you that know the city, if you had just two evenings to see the sites, what would you pick? Statute of Liberty, Empire State Bldg, ground zero, museums, etc. Give me your thoughts.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Clear Evening
Well I have just been hanging out at the house today watching a little
TV. We had a short shower earlier but it has cleared out this
afternoon and the view is great.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
WV Capitol Bldg
I'm out on the Kanawha River for the American Lung Assoc poker run and
just past the WV Capitol building and thought I'd share. It feels so
great being out on a boat on the river with friends. Just wish jay was
here with us.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pie Whole
So Deb is on her way to the states for a visit and a training class,
so I am having a Pizza at the Pie Whole in French Town. Brick oven Pizza
is a good ting.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Close call with CBS

Then we found this article in the newspaper (St. Thomas Source):
Innovative Cable TV Announces Temporary CBS Affiliation
By Source Staff
July 2, 2009 — Innovative Cable TV officials are notifying subscribers that the cable system will broadcast a temporary CBS signal, WSEE-TV out of Eerie, Pennsylvania, from July 1 through 12. This WSEE feed will substitute for WVXF-TV CBS, which goes off the air on June 30. WSEE-TV CBS will be positioned on channel 58 on both St. Croix and St. Thomas-St. John systems.
Negotiations are ongoing to secure a CBS affiliate for the U.S. Virgin Islands. It is Innovative’s understanding that negotiations with CBS are going very well and the affiliation should be in place by July 13. Innovative Cable TV will inform our customers of the final outcome as soon as negotiations are completed.
But no worries. TV2 picked up the affiliation so CBS is saved!!! Yea!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hazy Lazy Day
So I am off again today. I didn't even keep the car. I just paid some bills and cashed in some reward points from our credit card towards our September plane tickets. The weather is definately in a summer pattern. It's back to work tommorow then Deb flies out Thursday
Tropical Wave
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Raining But No Water For the Cistern
So The land lord has some guys cleaning and resealing the gutter area on the roof and touching up the paint on the soffit and fascia. Should be all good right. Well they took the weekend off after using a lot of water to pressure wash the soffit, fascia, and gutters and left out the drain plugs for the gutters. Well we have a tropical wave coming through which means we have had a lot of rain the last couple of days. All of which is running out on the ground instead of into the cistern were it belongs. If I could find the plugs I would put them back in myself but apparently they have them with them. Here is a little video that Deb shot on her new 3GS iPhone. Mine doesn't do that.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday Beach Pic

It's Friday!!! Yea!!!! Todays pic has two reasons. For one, it's a beautiful beach pic on Lindberg Bay. But secondly, the fence area is protecting a leatherback turtle nest. It's pretty cool. The Leatherback turtle is an endangered species so any time they nest, they need to be protected. Nesting on St. Thomas is not real common so we're pretty excited about it. Here is an article in the St Thomas Source about it.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
American Lung Assoc.

Mail Miracle

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Fall Boating in WV aka Visit to the States

Well we have been trying to plan a trip to the States to see the Friends and Family so sitting around this morning I found some pretty good rates on US Scareways so it looks like ten days in September. We managed to book it during the time of the Pomeroy Ohio Regatta so we are going to bum a ride on a friends boat and spend a few days boating during the Fall boating season, which by the way will feel allot like winter to us. It will be great to see everyone and Pomeroy has always been a favorite of ours. I really can't explain the little town, once a year this sleepy little farm town on the banks of the Ohio River throws a party. Every business in town goes all out for it. Also this place has more bars per square mile than White Bay on Jost so that ain't all bad either, from Jimmy's sports bar with one big screen two pool tables and a hand full of other TVs, to the Court Street grill with live music, like Teddy Morgan and way to many people in what you could only call a Honky Tonk, to Shooting Pool at the Eagle's Club or having a nice dinner at the Wild Horse Cafe, everyone is glad to see you. I guess the best way to describe the whole ting would be a good old red neck "Carnival" with some power boats and stern wheelers thrown in for good measure.
By the way here is a little slide show of the Pomeroy Festival a few years ago.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer Time Day Off

PS Hopefully her new iPhone 3GS will be in soon so I can have the old one.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Awesome STJ video
VI Eco Tours

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Fresh Mangos
Our mango tree is dropping mangos like crazy so I stopped this morning
and picked a bunch up. Most of them were pretty soft so I puréed them
but some feel firm enough to slice. Anyone got any good recipes for
fresh mango and mango purée ??
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday Beach Picture
Also sorry the posts have been a little light this week. After spending last weekend on Jost there hasn't been much going on this week besides work.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Half Price Sailing

Well the company just put up a heck of deal for anyone thinking about a last minute trip. All of our unsold dates between now and August 15 are half off. Check the web page for details.
Also for those of you on Facebook you can become a fan of CYOA here.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Last day on Jost. We're sitting in front of Soggy Dollar having a
couple bloody mary's listening to the surf and watching all the
charter boats pull out. What a great weekend!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Hanging on the beach in front of Ivans waiting for signs of life on
Cats Eye so that we can swim out to their boat and invade their
refrigerator for some breakfast. Nothing on Jost is open early or
serves breakfast so you're pretty much on your own for that meal.
My AT&T coverage is perfect at White Bay but when we went over to
Great Harbor last night I had spotty coverage and none at all in front
of Foxeys.
Some more friends are coming over this morning so today should be
larger than yesterday. Scary.
Well, happy independence day! Enjoy!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sailing To Jost
We just came through Current Cut at Great St James. Sails up, 10 kts
of wind 60 degrees off the starboard.
Well, we got an added bonus to our Jost trip. Friends of ours who were
also going to Jost was going to leave Thursday night and we were going
to meet up with them Friday after we came over on the ferry. Well, as
fate would have it, they ended up staying the night at CYOA dock, so
now we get to sail over with them!!!! WooHoo!!
Thanks Kirsten and Dave!!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Early Friday Beach Pic

This pic is Hull Bay on the north side of STT. Cool little beach. Has a different vibe than some of the other STT beaches. And Has a cool little bar and restaurant.
Have a great weekend everyone!!