Well we're back to rainy days and just chillin out. Took today off so the original plan was to do some boating Sunday and today. But the weather gods didn't agree. We definitely needed the down day, don't get me wrong, but I was hoping for a better day today. Thunder, lightening, and no WAPA at the house. Hmmm I guess Tickles is the place to be, at least for now :-)
The good the bad and the details. We are moving to St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. We will try to keep a rambling record for anyone that ever dreamed of giving it all up and moving to the Islands to learn from or just laugh at.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Friday Beach Pic
Goooooood morning Friday! TGIF! Been a long busy week, looking forward to the weekend. No plans at this point, which is just fine, could use a relaxing weekend. :-)
The pic above is another one of Culebrita. We took it last Sunday when we ran over to Culebra. We have to get back there soon so we can explore all the beautiful beaches. We have friends going over on their sailboat for the 4th of July holiday and staying a few days. Hopefully we'll get to run over as well. Fingers crossed.
Well, hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, June 20, 2011
We finally made it to Culebra! We got out on the boat Sunday morning with no plan other than heading somewhere and enjoy the sun and water. When we got out of the harbor, we decided the seas weren't that bad, and the forecast looked ok, so we headed west towards Culebra. We told ourselves that if it got worse once we got further out, we would head back. But it was just fine.

We ran 20-22 mph the entire way, so it only took about an hour to get there. It was sunny the entire time but we were watching dark clouds gather north of us, south of us, behind us over STT, so as soon as we headed in the harbor, it started pouring! But it didn't last long, and before we knew it, the sun was back out.

Our goal was to head to Mamacitas which is a cool little bar and restaurant. But they are located on a little canal and there is a bridge that goes over the canal. It's supposed to be able to move up to let boats under it but it worked one time, got stuck up and once they got it back down they've never raised it again lol. We were hoping we could fit under. We slowly approached, eyeballing the height, but the closer we got, we realized we weren't going to make it :-(. Our hardtop was about three inches to tall, bummer.

But we were determined to get to Mamacitas. So we circled around the harbor, looking at docks, trying to decide where we could tie up. After about an hour, we finally found a place on the town dock. Whew!

We checked into Customs via phone using our Local Options Boater card and walked to Mamacitas, just a couple blocks, an easy walk, and soon we were enjoying a cold Medella and awesome food. We had a great time and can't wait to get back so we can spend more time exploring.

We made a quick pass by Culebrita on the way out. The Beaches look amazing, we definitely need to get back there. Then we made the slow track back to St. Thomas. The swells were about 5ft so we couldn't run like we did on the trip there. Only about 6 mph so it took quite a while to get back. But it was sunny the whole way, so no complaints here. Can't wait to get back!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy birthday Jay
Friday, June 17, 2011
CYOA video shoot
We had to be at the dock at 5:30am to get the right light so it was a very early morning. Jay played the role of charter guest along with another couple and I was on the power cat with the videographer taking pics. It was a beautiful morning, light wind, couldn't have asked for better light. The video should be great! And what a way to start a Friday morning :-)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
STT at Sunset
Monday, June 13, 2011
Sunday beach break
We took the boat out for a bit on Sunday and ended up on Honeymoon beach, Water Island. We were supposed to go to a birthday pool party at Villa Olga but the host never showed lol so we jumped on the boat instead. Nice to have options :-)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday Beach Picture
This is a screen shot off of my iPhone. That's as close as I have been to the beach this week. :-)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Zumba Schedule Update
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Schneider Regional Medical Center
I finally got to see the hospital on St. Thomas. We've been here over three years and haven't had to visit it, thankfully. But while a friend was visiting last week she slipped and broke her wrist. We went on a Saturday morning and there was no one in the waiting room. We were hoping there was an urgent care vs going to the ER but we didn't see one. But as it worked out, they took her right back (I got to go back with her) and got an X-ray. The ER doctor was going to splint it but after my friend, who is an RN, started asking some questions, they called in the on-call Orthopedic. He took a look, gave her a painful shot in the wrist, reset it and splint it. He did another X-ray and they both felt pretty good about how it turned out. He said she may need surgery later but it just depended on how it healed. She got copies of the X-rays to take home and we were on our way. I have to say it was a pretty pleasant experience. Everyone was really nice, very professional and the hospital equipment was top notch. My friend gave it thumbs up (only one though since the other was casted lol). Since going back stateside, she had it reexamined and the doctor said the STT doctor did an excellent job and it looks like she won't need surgery. She'll be casted for six weeks, which is a bummer, but no surgery.
overall, was a very good experience. I wanted to share that so everyone knows you don't have to be worried about going to the ER if something happens while on island.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Rain, Rain, Rain
We have had more rain in the last month then I've ever seen. Now you know I've only been here a few years but still. It's been pretty wet. Jay was off this past weekend so we just sat at the house and pretty much did nothing. We needed it so I guess it was a good weekend to rain. We had thought about going out on the boat, possibly to Culebra. But the weather didn't agree. The seas have been so flat due to no wind, so we thought we could finally make it over to Culebra in the Spanish Virgins. But that didn't happen, maybe one of these days.
So it was a nice relaxing, restful weekend. Hope everyone enjoyed theirs. Here's to Monday and the first week I've had to work straight five days since April :-)
Blogger not working
Friday, June 3, 2011
New Zumba classes
Friday Beach Pic

TGIF! Been a long week, been a long month actually. We are really ready for a chill weekend. Even though May was busy with visitors, travels, and rental property work, we really had a great time with all our friends that visited. Give us a weekend off for rest and we'll be ready to do it again :-)
June and July will be really busy for Jay. CYOA is pretty much booked solid which is great for the business, just means a lot of weekends for Jay for boat turn arounds. August they start getting the boats ready for Puerto Rico and then September he'll finally get some time off to rest.
June 1 was the official start of the hurricane season. So that means it's time to check the hurricane kit and restock supplies. Water, can goods, batteries, gas for the generator, lighters, propane for the grill, cash, you get the idea. Sounds like a big trip to cost u less is in my future.
June 1 also started my recommitment to Jenny Craig and Zumba. I haven't been sticking to the program with all my travels and visitors so it's time to get back to business. I actually didn't gain much back with all my craziness, only a couple pounds, which really surprised me. But need to get back on track so I can reach my Jenny goal. I lost 35 lbs so far, which I actually reached last November and have just maintained since then. So I think that's pretty good. I feel great and that's what matters, right :-)
So everyone have a great weekend!
Above pic taken at Morning Star beach. View from Havana Blue. Awesome restaurant by the way.
When we lived in WV we used to have a large party on the river for Jays birthday so several friends have text us today to say they are having a party in Jays honor lol. Keeping the tradition going :-)
Happy birthday Jay. Love you :-)