We made it back to St. Thomas. It a was long but uneventful travel day. Nice to wake up to this view again. We both have to go right back to work. But that's only for two days and then it's the weekend! :-)
The good the bad and the details. We are moving to St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. We will try to keep a rambling record for anyone that ever dreamed of giving it all up and moving to the Islands to learn from or just laugh at.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
River Cruise
Well, I said I probably wouldn't post much from WV or OH since this is a blog about the VI, but we're having such a great time and I've taken some nice shots so I thought I would share. It's turning out to be a beautiful day but we're sitting inside watching the WVU game. Later the guys are going to compete in the corn hole competition and the sexy legs competition. Gotta live OH festivals lol
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday River Pic
Well since we're not in STT and don't have a live beach pic to post, we're substituting a river pic from the Pomeroy Regatta. It rained like crazy yesterday and there was a tornado warning which hit about 20 miles from here so it kinda felt like home. It's trying to clear up today so we may have some better pics later.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
From The Land of Plenty
From the land of Plenty, this shot is of the produce department at the local Koger's store. We did some shopping and errand running yesterday, how does shopping in the states apply to living in the Virgin Islands? Well in a couple ways actually. First it's an opportunity to buy things that aren't readily available or are way overpriced I'm de Islands. The second thing is an ID problem. I picked up bit of a head cold on the way down, so will out shopping yesterday I tried to buy some Claritin D at the Wall Mart Pharmacy. Well here is meth head land you have to show ID to buy any sudafed products. Well the pharmacy didn't believe my ID, a St Thomas drivers license was real, this was almost funny except I really needed the mess. I offered up my TWIC card, which is a federal I'D that rises to the level of a passport and is required for transportation workers, as back up to my license and of course they didn't even know what it was. So I gave up and called one of Deb's relatives and got some Allegra D for free.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Back in WV
We made it safely to WV. Long travel day but that's always the case when traveling back and forth to the VI. It was 63 degrees when we landed at CRW....brrrr. It's supposed to be in the 80s during the day so let's hope. And driving 60 mph on the right side of the road at midnight after a long travel day was a little hairy. But we made it. :-)
We have lots of things planned for the next two weeks, family friends, boat trip, shopping, working on rental property, busy, busy. But that's how you spend your vacation when you live in paradise and in permanent vacation mode. :-) Luckily we stay with some good friends every time we come in so we don't have the cost of a hotel at least. But we do rent a car. Learned that the hard way after the first visit when we borrowed our friends car and backed it into their retaining wall and it cost $600 to fix. So thanks Bill and Carole for all that you do for us when we come in to visit (btw, Carole reads the blog so that's why I wanted to get that in here lol, Hi Carole)
So since we're in WV and this is a blog about living in the VI we may not post much over the next two weeks. Unless there is just something too funny that we need to share lol or if we hear of something happening back in STT. We're keeping an eye on all the weather systems and making sure everyone is safe back on the rock.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Busy weather
Well, it's getting busy out in the Atlantic again. Category 4 Igor and Tropical Storm Julia heading west but both are predicted to turn northwest and miss the Virgin Islands. I hope they're right. We leave tomorrow for a trip to WV so we're going to leave all the shutters up just in case. Thankfully we have great neighbors that will be keeping an eye on the place and friends that we can call if needed.
WV here we come! :-)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
WAPA out again
Well, for the second time today WAPA has left us powerless. We sat outside for a little while but the Mosquitos started coming out so we started up the Honda and watching some DVD's and running the fan. Love my generator :-)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday Beach Pic
It's Friday! And Jay is home from PR! Yea! Here is a shot from Sapphire Beach last weekend.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Decompression time
Been one of those crazy days, so it's time to decompress. It's a beautiful day out so we headed to Island Beachcomber which has a cool little beach bar and an awesome view.
Jay is finally home from Puerto Rico. I'm happy that's over and I'm sure he is too. They did a lot of work on the CYOA boats so now it's time for vacation! Lol
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Thankfully former Tropical Storm Gaston has fallen apart and doesn't pose any threat. We're expected to have some rain and little bit of wind but nothing more than just a normal thunder storm moving thru. Whew ! There's a few new areas that are being watched so we'll keep an eye in them over the next few days.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Second Annual Pub Crawl
Today is my friend Laurie's birthday so we've started an annual pub crawl which started last year. We started at Fat Turtle for lunch. The plan was to go to Mojo's then Big Kahuna and Coconut. But all places are closed on Sundays. So we ended up at Green House. Probably Beachcomber next and end at Betsy's :-).
Happy birthday Laurie :-)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Beach Day
Well, since we're boatless we decided to have a beach day. Haven't done that in awhile. We tried to go to Lindquist but it was closed. Then we tried Coki, but it hasn't quite recovered from the "incident". So we decided on Sapphire. It was a great decision. It's been a beautiful day just chillin'. :-)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Friday Beach Picture, I mean Manatee Picture
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Here we go again
Well, Fiona went bye-bye with no effect on us, too far north thank goodness. But now here comes Tropical Storm Gaston, soon to be Hurricane Gaston. It's moving really slow, which is not good because it gives it more time to build. The path is projected slightly south of us, but it's so far out that it will probably change over the next few days. Depending on the speed, it will be through here sometime next week. We'll keep the updates coming. When they said it was going to be a busy season, they we're kidding.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sunny and hot
Well, it's hot and sunny out and no sign of Fiona, just how I like it. All the predictions have Fiona go way north of us so it should be a non event, but we'll keep you posted.
And.......we got power back at the house today, so finally warm showers, tv, lights and A/C! :-)
Back To Work
So no more "snow days" or "rain days" as they call them here. Still no power but everything else is getting back to normal. We both have to go to work today. Deb's group will have to put all the network systems back together and or make sure they are running. I have a boat to finish a refit on and will likely have to go back to Puerto Rico for a few days to finish up what we left hanging when we flew home early from the storm.
Here is a ling to a bunch of random shots that we took over the last few days. They are unedited iPhone pictures so not our best work.
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! :-)
Villa listing www.mclaughlinanderson.com/villawebpage.cfm?curunitid=28